The installation at Singaplural 2018 aims to provide an insight into the design process of an architectural office enhanced by leveraging on technology and digital tools.

With close to 30 years of architectural experience, IDArchitects has fine tuned her processes. In lieu of emerging technologies that are bound to impact and affect industries across the board, IDArchitects is a architectural practice whom embraces new technology.

This process diagram shows and elaborate how IDArchitects has adopted Virtual Design & Construction framework to her operations and incorporated new technologies to better efficiently manage concurrent projects.

Injecting project management tools specifically Newforma to enable better collaborations throughout projects.

Having said all these fanciful positives, this change is never overnight, much less a easy process of change. Since with great change requires great power, and with power comes responsibility.

Head on down to our installation at Singaplural to experience not just the process but also the design itself in new mediums and representations.