We are proud to announce that ID Architects has won the SME Digital Leap 2019 award by UOB for Medium SME section. ID Architects has been awarding for harnessing best practices in digitalisation capabilities and packaging these capabilities as Digit-Alpha solution set, in lieu of sharing these best practices back to the Built Sector in Singapore via its newly established subsidiary,  IDA Technology whilst aiming to accelerate Digital Transformation within the sector in order to meet the demand of Digital Economy of the interconnected world.

ID Architects, in conjunction with IDA Technology are honoured to have been featured in the video broadcast of Asia First and Asia Tonight CNA respectively for their Leap Winner Stories. We thanked 938 FM for the live interview regarding the award which two of our directors, Lin Hongsui and Gerard Teo whom graciously attended and chatted in live about how our efforts in creating solutions to digitize and transform the built industry.

This award has further encouraged us and strengthen our commitment in what we have been believing in, that is to strive in providing a platform for building owners, designers, builders to collaborate effectively throughout the whole building project lifecycle. Aside from that, we will continue to invest in better services on computational design, more range of design capability services especially BIMatrix, our very own VR collaboration tool for the built industry.